10 Questions You Should Ask Your Printer
Everyone has questions when it comes to print, and unless you've been in the industry for as long as us, there are bound to be some things you're unsure of. Have you been wondering about how you can decide on the best printer that is right for you? The one that will deliver exactly what you need and provide you with the service your project requires? Here's our handy list with 10 questions you should ask a printer before you choose to go with them.
1. Do you have a wide range of stock options?
It's important to find out from your printer the range of stocks they have on hand. This includes types of stock (Whether you're looking for coated stock, uncoated stock or recycled stock) and GSM (Some printers cannot handle thick stock and might not offer mounting either) it's good to check before you send artwork to avoid disappointment later.
Digitalpress offers a wide range of stocks and our Iridesse can print on sheets up to 400gsm, we also offer mounting if you require a piece that needs to be thicker than our maximum gsm.
2. What is your maximum sheet length?
There is nothing worse than day dreaming about a project and thinking you can have endless options available to you to create something unique only to arrive at a printer and discover they don't offer the sheet size you need. Always ask what the maximum sheet length is and if they do edge to edge printing when you're deciding on a printer.
When creating unique printed projects, sheet length is important. Our Iridesse press has a maximum sheet size of up to 330mm x 1200mm. This gives us plenty of space to work with to create your Beautiful Print Solution.
3. What finishes do you offer?
When it comes to creating beautiful print, finishes are just as important as stock. Discussing the finishes a printer offers during your research phase can not only save you time and money but by having a discussion you can also work together to develop creative options to enhance your project further.
Digitalpress is an award winning digital printing house and we have won awards for our finishes, so you are in good hands. We offer a range of high quality finishes including gloss varnish, doubled sided, spot varnish, matte varnish, embossing, mounted and dye/laser cutting. If you're unsure about which finishes are right for your project, our Beautiful Print Experts can easily consult with you on a beautiful print solution.
4. What binding options do you offer?
Binding is one of those things that can often be forgotten about because you're focusing on the finishes, but binding is just as important as considering unique finishes. Not all printers offer the same types of binding and there are often various wait times when it comes to binding so you should always ask about options and how long they will take even if you haven't even begun to think about what binding you would like for your project.
There is print and then there is Beautiful Print, and binding can often times be make or break when it comes to creating memorable printed pieces. Digitalpress offers a range of binding methods including wiro binding, perfect binding, hard case binding and singer sewn. We can also manage your custom requests, so ask our Digitalpress Beautiful Print Experts if you have something custom in mind.
5. How do I need to provide a file?
Every printer has a different approach to file submissions. Ideally you want to work with a printer that makes it as easy as possible for you to submit your files securely and safely. Beyond that, making sure that there is clear communication around how a file should be prepared before submission ensures that your time is not wasted and that your invoice isn't more expensive due to back and forth around whether your files were set up or submitted correctly.
We have a company Dropbox set up for our clients to submit their files to us, you can easily access this via our website where at the top right hand corner is "Submit a File." Using a trustworthy and easy to use service like Dropbox ensures we don't loose files and that our clients can get their files to us faster!
6. What is the minimum order I can get?
Make sure your printer has capacity to do short runs of your project if that is what you need.
There is no minimum order quantity at Digitalpress, but something to keep in mind is that the set up fee is the same whether you are printing 10 of a product or 1000. In saying that, while it is much more economical to print larger quantities, Digitalpress is offers short run printing of all our products including offering short run packaging.
7. What is your turn around time?
There's nothing worse than thinking you've got enough time to get a project delivered only to discover that the printer you were going with cannot deliver within your time frame. This is where rush fees can come in and if you're being conscious of your budget it's better to discuss up front what the turn around time would be (including delivery) before you submit your files.
Every project is different and depending on finishes, page quantities whether you require custom stock and binding selection Our friendly consultants can assist you with planning production time.
8. Do you offer variable-data printing and print on demand?
Variable-Data Printing? Print on Demand?? These might be new terms to you but if they're not, you'll know how great it is to work with a printer who offers these services. Variable-Data Printing and Print on Demand is a system that allows printers to change elements of a printed piece (such as text, graphics and images) without stopping or slowing down the printing process by accessing data from a database or external file. This is extremely useful for medium to large businesses who want to quickly and easily change and update business cards or business stationery for example, it is also often used for direct marketing and advertising.
Luckily for you, Digitalpress offer variable-data printing and print on demand. This makes printing your business stationery super simple. Just send us the artwork and we will manage the rest!
9. Can I see a proof of my project?
As a designer it's important to be able to see your work in the flesh and all mocked up before you go ahead with your project. Checking colours, stock and even type size is best done with a physical copy of your work.
You can very easily book a time to come in and go over your proof with our team, or we can simply deliver it to your workplace for you to approve before we send to print.
10. Can I have my project delivered?
Need it delivered? It's important to check first to see what delivery options a printer can provide. How soon can it be delivered, how far they deliver and how much it will cost can factor into your final decision.
We can quickly and easily organize delivery from our Waterloo site for all of your projects with delivery available within the Sydney Metro area.
Get in contact with us today to see how Sydney's most awarded digital printing company can bring your beautiful print to life.
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